The 2009 Georgia General Assembly approved House Bill 251 (HB251), giving parents/guardians the option to request that their children attend any school within the school district b...
Students that met their Accelerated Reading goals for the 4th 9 weeks got to celebrate their accomplishment. We had 94 students in grades K-5 meet their goals. Keep up the good re...
Kindergarten students participated in a "Sight Word Festival." Students played a variety of carnival style games with all the sight words they've learned this year.
To explore Earth Month Mrs. Clark's kindergarten class made recyclable robots, bird feeders with different types of food to see which the birds liked most, did an oil spill experi...
Students from the HES Gifted Resource class, and the Advanced Content classes visited Zoo Atlanta. Despite the cold weather, the students had a great time learning about all the d...