Phone: 478.825.5296
Parent Teacher Student Compacts & Family Engagement Policy
Keysha King
Brooke Bell
Family Engagement Coordinator
Phone: 478.825.5296 x1409
Hunt Elementary School has great parents and volunteers who assist with various projects and workshops throughout the year. The parents and volunteers at HES are very active with many projects. Ms. Bell has scheduled several workshops, meetings and activities that may be very beneficial to you and your child. Please see Ms. Bell to volunteer, become an active parent, or to get the date of the next workshop and/or meetings.
The Family Resource Center is opened Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in Room 233. The Family Resource Center has laptops* for parents, grandparents and guardians usage, parental pamphlets on various topics, books and videos that may be checked out to use at home.
*Laptops can not be checked out*