G Suite

Peach County School System utilizes G Suite, also known as Google Apps for Education (GAFE). G Suite for Education is used by thousands of K-12 schools and universities worldwide and makes collaboration tools available for students that will allow them to work together virtually on documents, presentations and projects via the web.
The following tools are available for students under the G Suite for Education platform:
Google Docs/Drive – Create and share a variety of online documents, from word processing and spreadsheets to forms and presentations — all with mobile access.
Google Calendar – Share calendars and schedule people and groups, even from your mobile device.
Gmail – Communicate safely in a “walled garden” environment with faculty and students.
Google Sites – A platform for creating a website, blog, or student portfolio that can be privately shared or publicly published with multiple authors.
Privacy and Parental Access to Student Accounts
The Peach County School System complies with the legal requirements of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Will Google Apps For Education be available to students under the age of 13?
COPPA allows school districts to act as the parents' agent and approve the accounts on their behalf. To be COPPA compliant, the district must provide an opt out process which is available at the bottom of this page. Unless a request is made by a student’s legal guardian each student will have a Google Apps accounts within the districts private Google domain. Students will only be allowed to receive emails from peachschools.org and .edu addresses .
The G Suite for Education accounts are property of the Peach County School System. This means content in these accounts may be accessed or searched by delegated school district employees (IT Staff, Administrators, etc.). Emails sent from student to student, or student to staff, are not considered private and will be monitored and audited.
Please take a moment to talk to your child about the acceptable use of email. School District personnel are requested to only use work email for work purposes, and employers have access to view and limit use of email as necessary. The same will be true of school email accounts.
Parents will have access to their child’s Google account at all times. If you are unable to access your student’s account, please contact you childs principal to request that the password be reset.
Acceptable Use & Misuse of G Suite Account
Students should consider their Google account and email as an extension of the classroom, subject to the same rules of respect and courtesy that we expect in school. Students are responsible for their own behavior at all times and their strict adherence to the Peach County School System’s Student Code of Conduct, the Peach County School District Internet Acceptable Use Policy (IFBG).
What if I just am not comfortable with my student having a Google account? Can I opt-out?
We want you to be involved with your student's education. To discuss how Google Apps for Education will be used in support of your student's academic achievement and growth, please contact the teachers directly. If you still feel it would be best for your child not to utilize these tools, please let the teacher know and we will ensure that his or her Google account is deactivated. By default these deactivated accounts are reactivated at the end of each school year. If you would like to keep your student's Google account inactive, just contact the school again at the start of the next school year and the account will be deactivated.